

sep 13, 2024

i'm on a big 90s kick, it started with the second season of that 90s' show (yes, yes, derivative, etc) and now i'm on a reread of chuck klosterman's the nineties. lots of great quotes, esp on the internet which is ya know, why we're all here.

it sometimes doesn't seem possible that the postal service and landline telephones were enough to perpetuate society. but they were, and there was no sense whatsoever that communication was not happening fast enough. [...] while it was always possible to disagree over whether [the] long-distance rate was reasonable or expensive, no one assumed phone calls should be free. the limitations of time and space were ingrained, as was the concept of a telephone's calcifying geography in nonnegotiable terms.

oh what have we done?

sep 12, 2024

yesss.... i'm back on neocities, real excited and all for it. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS is the microblog: i'm back posting here.

it's really starting to feel like fall where i live and it's giving me so much energy, someone smiled at me on the street today too, the little things.

feb 3, 2024

my sister is so offline, unplugged, unbothered. she's been doing the massive New York Times end of year crossword for 5 days. right now she's solving a rubik's cube. she just asked if "gone girl" is a romance movie.

god let this be me in a year...


feb 2, 2024

awesome awesome awesome website....there's a microblog....fotos....and art

bonus: when i was in high school i loved his music, this song specifically, i rediscovered it all today after so many years

feb 2, 2024

my first ever archive.org upload, an interview i found with the luddite club founder

True to their nature, the Luddite club has no presence online, so don't like, subscribe, or follow them anywhere.


jan 29, 2024

the luddite club in brooklyn is one of my greatest inspirations. growing up online and lonely all youth culture i ever consumed was adjascant to or was on the internet. even today in college i talk tiktok constantly. the internet owns the culture, it shouldn't be like this!!!

read the links (at least the first):

i'll expand on all these thoughts at some point AND put these links on the homepage. i made a quick post because it's been on mind recently.

jan 29, 2024

from september to november of 2023 i was proud of my instagram stories, now i can't produce one without feeling miserable. it's a shift in mindset and what feels like my retirement.

jan 29, 2024

i use the neocities editor 90% of the time...ssshhhh

jan 6, 2024

laura les i've been listening to:

jan 6, 2024

followup from jan 1: already sick of iphone internet

jan 2, 2024

IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK TO ONLY USE BASIC TECHNOLOGY I UNDERSTAND INSIDE OUT........i get how irc or old fashioned mail works........i dont get how a tiktok msg gets from phone to phone

jan 2, 2024

the tumblr shoelaces are a joke but i like the sentiment, i see someone looking internet adjacent and want to know what their computer plans are for the night

jan 1, 2024

after so much repression i've dove head first into a renewed internet addiction. there's so much to see, so much to do. how long until i get sick of it all again?

jan 1, 2024

my craziest expirement on here was once attempting to mirror my ig story to its own page but failed once i realized that manual labor was required to sustain it.

seeing lunospace's microblog made me realize that using the neocities editor is the key to keeping a microblog on here alive. please.....glance upon my ingenius css that makes posting so easy